Acupuncture has its origins in China, around 3500 years ago. Previously, acupuncture was often used in combination with Moxa, a technique in which certain zones or points of the skin are warmed up. The collective name was Zhenjiu. The name acupuncture is suitable because it derives from the Latin words acus (needle) and punctura (stitch). Acupuncture is a healing method aimed at balancing the Yin and Yang energy flows that run through the body. When suffering from symptoms or diseases, the general energy supply (Qi) is out of balance. From a holistic point of view, people are looked at as a whole, and the mental and emotional condition of the patient will also be assessed in order to achieve energetic balance. We will examine the origin of the symptoms, not just the symptoms alone so that a permanent recovery can be achieved once the imbalance has been removed.
Achieving energetic balance
Unlike Western medicine, acupuncture uses four observation techniques. These examine the dynamic balance of the patient and determine where and why disruption occurs that causes the symptoms. During the examination, an anamnesis, a pulse and tongue diagnosis and a general observation will take place. In that way, we can determine the energetic balance. Based on that observation, it will be specified where the needles should be placed and whether additional herbs are needed to remove the imbalance. In the case of anamnesis, the health condition is examined, and the patient should describe the symptoms as clearly as possible.
In that way, I get a clear view of the issues. The pulse diagnosis is used to determine how the energy flows. Each organ is connected to the pulse, which makes it possible to determine where the problem may lie. Regularity, speed, depth, length and tension of the pulse are monitored, and deviations might indicate why the symptoms occur. An equally reliable observation technique is tongue diagnosis because the tongue is connected to different organs in the body as well. The shape, colour, shine or tongue buildup provide a clear indication of the patient’s health. A general observation is applied to the four senses: seeing, feeling, hearing and smelling. They can indicate whether there is an imbalance in the energetic quality of several organs as well.
The treatment
As soon as a disease occurs, the energetic balance is disturbed. The acupuncturist can balance the energy that flows through the body’s meridians or energy lines by placing needles on the skin at specifically chosen needle points. There are more than 1000 points to choose from and depending on the energetic balance, 5 to 20 needles will be placed per session so that the energy can flow as it should again. Each point on the skin has its own function in the recovery process, and needles are moved slightly to trigger the desired needle sensation or Deqi. You can experience slight shocks where the needle is placed on the skin or further down the energy line. The needles stimulate the nervous system and release chemical substances to the muscles, spine and brain so that the body can start to heal itself. As a result, you will experience an improvement in your physical and emotional health.
Number of acupuncture treatments
Because the body is regulated optimally, the treatments can cause lasting results. Treatment is usually phased out or terminated as soon as the patient no longer experiences any symptoms or experiences clear improvement. The number of treatments that are required to achieve the best result depends on the state of the patient. In general, between 4 and 10 treatments will be needed to improve the symptoms for a particular disease. Initially, we will meet up once a week or once every two weeks, and after that, the treatments will decrease in frequency.
For some complaints such as pregnancy sickness, several sessions per week may be desirable. If pain symptoms return within a week, more intensive treatment can also be opted for. Even afterwards, it may be necessary to undergo further treatments during specific periods, in order to reinforce the effect. All of this will be discussed in the first introductory interview and as the treatment progresses.