Since she was a teenager, Elena has been fascinated by acupuncture. She was able to see for herself and experience how acupuncturists work and what amazing results can be achieved with acupuncture.
So, it became a dream to become an acupuncturist. She soon came to the conclusion that prevention is always better than cure. She continued her search for therapies that focus on prevention, such as herbal medicine, massages and acupuncture, which are all part of traditional Chinese medicine. This ended her search.
After studying nursing and working in a hospital to gain experience, she graduated as an acupuncturist at the OTCG in Antwerp. Elena is also a member of the BAF (Belgian Acupuncture Federation).
Courses attended:
- Abdominal Acupuncture (Dave Shipsey)
- The treatment of infertility (Kiiko Matsumoto)
- Pregnancy and post-partum (Qing-Bai academy, the Netherlands)
- TCG & Infertility (OTCG, Antwerp)
- Shonishin, painless child acupuncture (ICZO Antwerp)
- Ear acupuncture (OTCG, Antwerp)
- Medical micro-needling (Amanda Shayle, UK)
- Cosmetic acupuncture (Amanda Shayle, UK)
- Postgraduate acupuncture (OTCG Antwerp)
- Jade Herbs
- Balance methode (dr. Tan)
- Weight control in TCM (Dr. Sun Pei Lin, Antwerpen)